Retreat Donation 

Donat to Braindamaged Retreat

Disturbing the comfortable, comforting the disturbed.

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This is an example of the content for a specific image in the Nivo slider...

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This is an example of the content for a specific image in the Nivo slider...

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This is an example of the content for a specific image in the Nivo slider...

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This is an example of the content for a specific image in the Nivo slider...

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Main Menu:


Describe the photo or the page it links to

Your "What's New" content includes an image that 'AUTO' scales. No need to resize the image, the CSS style sheet will resize the images for you, once rendered in your web page.


Describe the photo or the page it links to

The Current News content includes an image that 'AUTO' scales. No need to resize the image, the CSS style sheet will resize the images for you, once rendered in your web page.


Describe the photo or the page it links to

The Recent Events content includes an image that 'AUTO' scales. No need to resize the image, the CSS style sheet will resize the images for you, once rendered in your web page.

Help a fellow Alcoholic


  Help provide a scholarship, so that someone less fortunate can attend the retreat!

You can donate to the retreat online by using the Paypal link below.  Please feel free to donate any amount you like.

This is NOT the page to make a reservation to the retreat.


This is advertising space for google ads, affiliate links or anything else you can think of

... this space will grow as you add more information ...

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